Abstract: The main goal of using the WMN (Wireless Mesh Network) is to find the correct and easy path from source to destination. The routing techniques have the potential to find the correct path.With the increase in demand of the service in WMN [1],[8],[17] ,the Routing topology comes out to be an interesting topic in Research Field.WMN provides the concept of new challenges in the next generation level networks for example Flexibility,adptive nature and cost efficiency. WMN supports AODV( Ad Hoc on Demand Distance Vector) [5],[7] ,Hop Count ,Fuzzy model and throughput that has the capability of self forming and self organizing.WMN consist of static WMR(wireless Mesh Router) called Ap’s.As in the Other way , Clustring is the other Routing technology consist of Wireless sensor, Congestion Control and Distributed System which provides the adaptive methods of routing.

Keywords: Wireless Mesh Network, AODV , fuzzy Inference ,Cluster Routing , LEACH.